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All About You

You Are a Unique Spark of the Divine!

Have You Lost Your Magic?

I am a Life Long Psychic Intuitive

A Registered Nurse

A Certified Health & Life Coach

Certified Angel Therapist

A Wife, Mother, & Grandmother

Feeling Happy, Healthy & Holy

Ready to Remember Your Authentic

Magical, Mystical Self?

I Have a Plan for YOU!

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Angeltouche Holistic

Now is the Right Time for Awakening!

Together we will ~

Explore what is working in your life & 

what is not working for you in your life.

Clear past patterns, emotions & behaviors.

Improve relationships, health, career

Address your specific issues 1:1

Eliminate confusion, frustration

& stop feeling stuck

Develop a custom plan with support

& accountability to

Manifest the Life of Your Dreams!

What You Get...

A Transformational Journey

to a More Balanced, Peaceful, Satisfying Life, 

 to Health, Happiness & Wholeness

With Your Own Unique 

Plan with Support 

to Personal & Spiritual Expansion!

Why You Need It...

As a Spiritual Being

Having a Human Journey,

You are a Tri-Part Being.

Spiritual Holistic Coaching

with Nancy will address

All of You -

Body, Mind & Spirit

for Profound Transformation

& Accelerated Growth. 


All About You

Ready to Create...

Health and Well-Being

Soul-Satisfying Career Success

Personal & Spiritual Growth

Balance in All Areas of Life

Sustainable Life Changes

It's Never too Late to

Become the Person You

Were Meant to Become!

Time to Sparkle

Tools of the Trade!

~ Both Holistic Spiritual &

Traditional Counseling & Coaching

~ Psychic Intuitive Spiritual Development

~ EFT or Tapping

~ Hypnotherapy

~ Reiki

Pick Your Own


Pretty Package!

Wherever You Are in Life,

Right Now is the Right Time for Your Fresh Start!

I Am Ready to Start  10 Weeks  to
My New Life Today!
Choose from 3 Pretty Packages...

Best Offer Pay in Full!

Pay in Full 


Total for 10 Weeks


No, I Prefer to Pay Weekly!

 $99 Weekly for 9 Weeks

 Total for

10 Weeks $1090

Or ~ 2 Monthly Payments

2 Monthly Payments 

of $444

Total for 10 Weeks



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